Thursday, September 15, 2011

When Did Horror Turn Into Romance?

So the last thing I expected in my search for good horror was to fall in love with a zombie, but that's exactly what happened.  A good classmate of mine suggested Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. Realizing the book was about zombies, I already had my doubts. I always prefer ghosts, demons and demented know, that kind of stuff.

I was kinda creeped out and disturbed by the images of zombies gnawing on human limbs, and chewing on brains like pieces of fruit...but I was also enthralled. It's one of those, "Ewww, the f*%#!... Cool!"  moments.

 I love how these zombies got to relive the experiences of their victims when eating their brains. While the book is kinda creepy with its ghouls and apocalypse like setting, it is also one of comedy and romance.

R. That is the name of the zombie who can't remember his full name or his past life. R saves a young woman (Julie) after eating her boyfriend. He starts to fall in love with her and she in love with him, (and me in love with him too.)  Slowly, R starts to realize that he is changing. He is starting to feel, starting to feel human again.

Marion created such an interesting character within R. There is something charming and cute about a zombie dressed in a suit and tie; a zombie who looks for ways to improve his appearance and humanize himself; a stinky rotting zombie with crooked rotting teeth and decaying gray skin, a zombie with actual feelings. Who needs a flawless shirtless vampire who glitters in the sun.

I have yet to finish the book but I can't wait to find out what exactly happened and is happening to the world in Warm Bodies. I cant wait to see what happens between Julie and R.  There is somethng Frankenstein-ish about the book. Warm Bodies is not what I expected, but I love it! In the hunt for horror I came upon romance instead.


  1. Sounds very interesting, especially the part about reliving the experiences of the eaten victims. Cool. Go back through and catch some typos. Nice job.

  2. Sounds a bit odd but interestingly graphic zombie def gonna try to read it before Halloween (my favorite time to read horror!)

  3. I can't wait to read this one. I'll definitely bump it up the to-read pile. Glad to hear that you're enjoying it!

  4. If I had a nickel for every time I looked for a zombie novel end ended up with a romance novel, then I would dog gone millionaire. That is an awesome spin to put on a zombie book though. I mean, who really wants to read about slow, weakling, waddling zombies. That definitely should be very interesting indeed.
