Monday, September 26, 2011

The Horror that Turned Out to be Not so Scary

If you have been following my posts, you know that in the search for some good horror, I came upon Warm Bodies by Isaac Morion. What I found was far from horror, although some of the details were pretty gruesome... However, I was surprised by how deeply enthralled I was by this book, considering Iam not a big fan of zombie stories.  Along the way, I realized not all zombie novels were a bore and I realized that zombies such as R could be quite the charmers...

If you are a fan of Frankenstein or that movie with Johnny Depp in it, Edward Scissor Hands, I think you will enjoy this book because I was instantly reminded of those two throughout the read.  I wont spoil it for those who have yet to read it. However, you will be enthralled by the apocalyse like setting of the place. By the end of the story you will be captivated by the spark of romance between R and Julie. By the end you will have a soft spot for R, and if you dont, well I dont know whats wrong with you... I kid ofcourse...This book is full of eww moments, but it will also have you laughing outloud.

I realized the true horror came when I turned the last page of the book and came to understand that there would be no more. After accepting that the book had come to an end, I was left with some questions and I was left wondering what would happen to the characters of the book; but this is a good thing. If an author can leave you thinking after their book, then they have written a darn good book. Pick this book up!

And now, my hunt for horror continues.


  1. I saw Edward Scissor Hands and loved it. I'll be looking into this. Thanks

  2. You make this book sound like a great horror novel...the review of the book was good too especially with the comparison of the book to horror movies...thanks for the book tip!
