Friday, September 30, 2011

Don't Go Into the Light!

We've all heard the phrase "Life's not fair." But how often do we hear the phrase, death is not fair? We have all heard the phrase of people going into the light when they die. The light brings a peaceful closure to a long and painful suffering...or does it?

After, reading "A Trick of the Light," by Chet Williamson, from the book 666 Number of the Beast, I was left thinking otherwise.
Ok, so the story starts with Andy who stays watching over his dying girlfriend Kylie at the hospital. During her last few days he notices a light hovering above her bed and a crouched shadow shivering by the corner of the room. Creepy no?  On the day she dies, Andy watches as a shadow emerges from Kylie's body and goes into the light that hovers above her. The light then fades, as does the shadow that "shivers" on the corner. The end, Kylie has gone into the light and now rests in peace right? Wrong!

As Andy later finds out from the nurse, the light is simply a trick by death. By going into the light Kylie had just walked into something that is far from closure and rest. Instead, in the light Kylie will have the painful experience of reliving her death forever. Is this hell perhaps? The nurse tells Andy that the shadow that "shivers" at the corner of the room will bring true darkness and closure for Kylie. In an effort to bring Kylie to rest, Andy who has a special gift of seeing the light finds a way to go into the light in his attempt to save Kylie and lure her spirit into the creepy shadow that crouches by the corner. I will not give the ending away incase there are some of you here who have yet to stumble upon the story.

If you like to read these kind of things you will be pleased with this short story; it will leave you thinking about everything you've ever heard and read about "the light." This book had horror, fantasy and romance (between Andy and Kylie.) The setting of the story is so morose and haunting, makes you feel like you are surrounded by the dead and the dying. As I mentioned there is some romance with Andy who's seen as the loyal boyfriend who stands by his dying girlfriend. (There is no kissing or such though.)      There is a little twist to the romance by the end of the short story that I will not give away, so you will have to find out by yourself! All I will say is, karma!

I was left thinking about the light after reading the book. I convinced a very superstitious cousin of mine into reading the story and she came back to me in distress wondering what she would do when she died; "Ahhh I dont know what to do now Diana! Should I go into the light?!"

Surely though if you're one to believe in these types of things, it makes you wonder no? What if death isn't fair either?  If there really is a light, is it a trick to lure you in? What do you do? What do you choose to believe?

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Horror that Turned Out to be Not so Scary

If you have been following my posts, you know that in the search for some good horror, I came upon Warm Bodies by Isaac Morion. What I found was far from horror, although some of the details were pretty gruesome... However, I was surprised by how deeply enthralled I was by this book, considering Iam not a big fan of zombie stories.  Along the way, I realized not all zombie novels were a bore and I realized that zombies such as R could be quite the charmers...

If you are a fan of Frankenstein or that movie with Johnny Depp in it, Edward Scissor Hands, I think you will enjoy this book because I was instantly reminded of those two throughout the read.  I wont spoil it for those who have yet to read it. However, you will be enthralled by the apocalyse like setting of the place. By the end of the story you will be captivated by the spark of romance between R and Julie. By the end you will have a soft spot for R, and if you dont, well I dont know whats wrong with you... I kid ofcourse...This book is full of eww moments, but it will also have you laughing outloud.

I realized the true horror came when I turned the last page of the book and came to understand that there would be no more. After accepting that the book had come to an end, I was left with some questions and I was left wondering what would happen to the characters of the book; but this is a good thing. If an author can leave you thinking after their book, then they have written a darn good book. Pick this book up!

And now, my hunt for horror continues.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

When Did Horror Turn Into Romance?

So the last thing I expected in my search for good horror was to fall in love with a zombie, but that's exactly what happened.  A good classmate of mine suggested Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. Realizing the book was about zombies, I already had my doubts. I always prefer ghosts, demons and demented know, that kind of stuff.

I was kinda creeped out and disturbed by the images of zombies gnawing on human limbs, and chewing on brains like pieces of fruit...but I was also enthralled. It's one of those, "Ewww, the f*%#!... Cool!"  moments.

 I love how these zombies got to relive the experiences of their victims when eating their brains. While the book is kinda creepy with its ghouls and apocalypse like setting, it is also one of comedy and romance.

R. That is the name of the zombie who can't remember his full name or his past life. R saves a young woman (Julie) after eating her boyfriend. He starts to fall in love with her and she in love with him, (and me in love with him too.)  Slowly, R starts to realize that he is changing. He is starting to feel, starting to feel human again.

Marion created such an interesting character within R. There is something charming and cute about a zombie dressed in a suit and tie; a zombie who looks for ways to improve his appearance and humanize himself; a stinky rotting zombie with crooked rotting teeth and decaying gray skin, a zombie with actual feelings. Who needs a flawless shirtless vampire who glitters in the sun.

I have yet to finish the book but I can't wait to find out what exactly happened and is happening to the world in Warm Bodies. I cant wait to see what happens between Julie and R.  There is somethng Frankenstein-ish about the book. Warm Bodies is not what I expected, but I love it! In the hunt for horror I came upon romance instead.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Journey To Horrify the Mind

So, it's been quite a while since I've laid my hands on a real good horror book.  By horror I mean those books that have you saying "holy s*&#!" throughout the entire read... You know, those books like The Shining by Stephen King that have you checking behind the curtain of the bathtub just in case there's a body of a dead woman in your tub. Those books that play psychological tricks with your mind and have you wondering whether you're going schitzophrenic or actually seeing the paranormal, such as sharp toothed demented clowns.

Whether I am being foolish or not (and I think not) I have convinced myself that Stephen King and Dean Koontz are the only horror mastermind writers of today.  If you are a fan of horror and read or have read any of their books (which I hope you have and godbless you if you haven't) you have to admitt this is undeniably true. Having read most of their works already, if not all, I am running out of options and so I am in search of the next author or book that will truly chill me to my very bones.

I have stepped out of my Stephen King and Dean Koontz zone several times to try other horror books. Some were horrifyingly boring and others horrifyingly overdone and ridiculous.  Some such as Night Thunder by Rudy Jean Jensen were pretty good reads and quite chilling, but there was simply not enough depth in the characters.

 I want a good book that will horrify me, disturb me, have me going schitzophrenic and move me.  I am on a mission to find that third horror mastermind or simply another real good horror book by someone other than the two masterminds I have listed.